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Daf . Baptême  
13 September 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

I want my child to be baptized. What should I do?

Put yourself in relation with your priest and set a date for baptism. Normally this happens a Sunday. An ideal date is Easter night. The priest will invite you for an interview during which he will explain the meaning of baptism and duties of parents, godfather and / or godmother.

Can I baptize my child ...

- If I’m alone to raise my child?
- If I am not married in the Catholic Church?
- If I’m divorced and remarried?
- If I am not baptized myself?
- If I am not myself a believer?
- Can a child be baptized if one parent belongs to another religion?

Yes, baptism primarily concerns the child who receives it. It’s between her/him and God that a link gets established. It takes at least one parent who has the desire to make her/his child be baptized and also ensure her/his Christian education. If there is no hope that the child receives a Christian education, the priest can refuse the baptism but must explain why to the parents.

At what age should one be baptized?

Any person who is not yet baptized, can be baptized and this at any age. Basically Catholic Christians have their children baptized within the first months after the birth of their child. But a child over 7 years old and an adult will be prepared for baptism (this preparation is called the catechumenate).

Should the child bear the name of a saint?

It is recommended to give the child the name of a saint who would be her/his model and protector. If you do not choose a Christian name for the child, it would still be good to give her/him a Christian name as a second name. You can find more information here:

 * Saints A to Z

Is it necessary that a child has a godfather and a godmother?
Who can become a godfather or a godmother?

Simply she/he has one godfather or one godmother. The godfather or godmother should be sought out by the parents and be capable of this task, that is to say, be at least 16 years old. To become a godfather/godmother, the person must have had herself/himself the three sacraments of initiation of the Church (baptism, confirmation, communion). She/he is responsible (together with the parents when it is a child that is baptized) to accompany the child/adult to baptism and vouch of the Christian orientation of the baptized person’s future life.

Anyone who does not meet these requirements may be admitted as a witness of baptism.

Can my child be baptized by a priest other than the one based in the parish?

In principle, yes, when the parish priest agrees.

Can my child be baptized in another parish?

The child must be baptized in the parish where he/she lives, that’s where she/he is welcomed into the community of the Church. This community is the one where she/he lives. If for whatever reason the child must be baptized in another parish, the priest who holds the parish in which the child resides and the priest of the other parish must be notified and grant their permission first.

How should the baptized person be dressed?

The child/adult must wear a white garment but must not absolutely wear a christening robe (special clothing for children’s baptism). White clothing for baptism brings us back to the time when catechumens baptized on Easter night wore white clothing, as a sign of their new birth in Christ. The white garment shows us that we are clothed with Christ and His Love which means that we are ready to model our lives on His own.

What should one bring to make a baptism? Should we bring the baptismal candle?

If the parents are married, they will bring the family book in which the baptism will be registered.

The baptism candle is normally offered by the parish. But one can also have a candle specially made for the occasion. One must first speak with the priest in charge.

Can you photograph or film the ceremony of baptism?

Generally yes. However, one must talk about it before with the priest in charge.

Does it cost anything for baptism?

Baptism does not cost anything. It is the Church’s welcome gift for one who becomes one of its members.

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